What on earth is happening? What is the bigger picture?

Many of you are aware that there is massive lesson for the #Coronavirus sending us to our rooms to rethink how we are treating Mother Earth, ourselves and each other.  For decades, if not thousands of years, we have been receiving nudges and warnings about our ascension from a three-dimensional world of pure physicality, with all its base instincts-to a higher five-dimensional spiritual existence. Now is our huge awakening.  Similar to slowly ascending a very long staircase to heaven and as we are about to ascend the last stairs, we now find ourselves–because the energy has accelerated–in a quantum leap.   In a matter of months now, we have the choice to accept the higher frequency, or stay in the lower one (not recommended).   Light or dark, kindness or brutality, love or fear.  Fear is the virus, love is the antidote. 

But even if we understand what is happening intellectually, we are still experiencing energy surges which we need to physically recalibrate. Emotionally, we are rebirthing humanity, and in our gestation period we are experiencing a hormonal roller-coaster of emotions. This event is bigger than all our fear-filled egos and we all need to surrender to the beautiful new heaven that’s coming to earth.

But in the meantime . . .

Are you feeling trapped?  Some of us might be feeling it? Here are 10 tips on how to escape, using your mind, and keeping your sanity:

  1. ESCAPE INTO A BOOK. A good  book can be the best form of escapism, and education. It can expand your vocabulary, inspire your imagination, change your life.   If you can’t focus on reading, begin writing.  When you write a story, you are the God/Goddess creating a universe and you can decide what happens to who and when.
  2. ESCAPE INTO SLEEP. Humanity is undergoing a massive shock to our system.  We were all busy, busy, busy and then the brakes went on.  Add to that the fear of not having a job, money, having to hang out with family all day, every day and you have a recipe for meltdowns.   You may feel exhausted, or just tired. Listen to your body and sleep.  However, if you are sleeping because of despair or a sense of hopelessness, talk to someone.   And know that this situation is temporary.  The higher purpose of this event is for you to get to know and love yourself better. After a few months, we will be back to a new and better world.
  3. DAYDREAM Do you remember when you were a child in school, and perhaps bored by your teacher, you daydreamed?  When you daydream, your consciousness actually leaves your body.   Your spirit went to where you preferred to be. On average, we daydream 30 times a day.  So while you are resting at home, intend to daydream. Go to a happy memory, or invent one.
  4. VISUALIZE not what is happening, but what you want to happen in the future.   The seeds of the future are in the present so by focusing on and hanging out in that future happy place of e.g. I’m going to own a farm and grow food for everyone, you are creating a new reality.
  5. MAKE A STORY BOARD of what you want to create. Do this with your children. Ask them what do they want?  Either cut words and pictures from magazines or old photos, or paint them. Each person can create their own story board and hang it where those images can imprint on the subconscious mind and take root.
  6. WRITE YOUR OWN STORY SO FAR as if it’s a movie and you chose to play this role. Then as  the writer, director and producer of your future, write the rest of your story with how you want it to play out and a victorious ending.
  7. FORGIVE SELF when you have a bad moment or day. Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself, or do a selfie video of how you forgive yourself for when you have not lived up to your own standards.  Remember you are just human and walking through this particular life, in your particular circumstances for the first time.  You are not expected to get it right the first time.  But if you are still misbehaving after ten similar events, you have a pattern.  When repeating the pattern, don’t expect different results. Revisit your thinking.
  8. THINK OF OTHERS and what you are able to give to make people feel better. If you are alone, reach out with a phone call, a message or a joke to others who are alone. Reach out to strangers, seniors in homes and old friends.   Send a love letter (via email).
  9. LOVE YOURSELF EXERCISES. As an extension of writing your own story, think about what you have accomplished, overcome, healed, forgiven. Acknowledge your courage, your intelligence, your generosity and your love.   Or write yourself a Compliment Journal and all the nice things people have commented on.
  10. MEDITATE. Surrender your ego and fear thoughts.  Sit in a chair, imagine you are sitting on the bank of a river and all your past and present fearful events are floating by in boats on the river.   Watch them go by and realize what they were there to teach you and then thank them for the gift and let them go.   Then observe what comes along next and what it is showing you.


  1. These blogs are the text version of my FB LIVE series at 3.30 pm Mon, Wed and Friday during isolation/connection time.
  2. FB LIVEs are also uploaded to my YouTube channel: Natasha Rosewood and my podcast.
  3. If you need some humor, check my Funnies page here on natasharosewood.com